Thursday, June 24, 2021

Subjective experiences vs. objective reality

Despite you change your experiences objectively, your subjective experience may return if the unconscious source of the subjectivity is not changed ...

If you find yourself getting stuck into a certain routine like a loop, or a certain kind of experience, or a habit, and crashing back into it even after escaping temporarily, it is likely because there is some aspect of the subjective experience which your unconscious mind wants to bring into the full attention of your conscious awareness, and once you identify what it is, and bring it into full attention and let it stay there and dissipate, you will find yourself naturally slipping out of repeating experience ... this may not happen at once, the pattern may repeat a few more time until you are fully aware of the subjective content ... 

Thus, experienced is a person who has been able to ride the roller coasters of both the external and 'internal' experiences. 

An external experience is worthless, until we embrace the jolt it gives us from the inside disintegrating us only to be reintegrated again. 

In the process of reintegration lies the source of our growth. 

A person who has been resisting the breaking down from the inside, because of the fear of pain, may remain stuck at a point in time in the state of perpetual misery, and thus may not be seen as experienced. 

So more the cycles of disintegration and reintegration a person has gone through, the more the wisdom, the more the experience.

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