Thursday, June 17, 2021

Emotional / mental health checklist

What does it mean to be emotionally/mentally healthy? A checklist based on my readings and exploration of the subject:

>Being consciously aware of the contents of the present moment including somatic awareness without a persistent urge to zone out

>To #mindfully feel the entire range of positive and negative emotions without the urge to repress them, or being self critical of any of them

>Capacity to notice and identify each emotion (emotional literacy)

>Ability to act on will on the demands of each emotions or emotional + somatic needs

>Knowing the limits of conscious controls (ego) and surrendering to autonomous systems of one's being

>Ability to hide if necessary yet feel the full force of emotions without suppressing them

>Ability to say no when needed, defending personal boundaries without guilt or shame 

>Being able to simultaneously feel conflicting emotions like grief and gratitude, fear and joy, anger and compassion 

>Ability to experience gratitude at will without suppressing grief if any ...

>Letting oneself to complete the grief and stress cycles when needed, finding space to do so at will

>Self acceptance, self compassion and ability to forgive oneself when needed, not being over confident let alone narcissistic,

>Feel guilt without shame after a mistake, or ability to accept mistake and correct oneself

>Easily able to defend oneself when falsely accused

>No urge to show-off for social acceptance or seeking approvals 

>Being aware and at peace with the contents of the shadow self

>Being aware of the core intentions

>Ability to listen and trust ones intuition

>Ability to form meaningful and healthy connections

>Being vulnerable and seeking any help when needed, knowing the apt company for this purpose

>Ability to identify potential abusers, manipulators, exploiters and avoid them

>Ability to see the unconscious projections, biases, prejudices, stereotypes which may distort, exaggerate or undermine the seriousness of a threat

>Being at peace with uncertainty, doubt, unanswered questions, without the urge to suppress any resulting stress or fear

>Being at peace with one self, while mindfully being aware of any internal conflicts

>Doing the right thing or avoiding the wrong not for social acceptability rather to honor ones conscience or uphold a moral principle 

>Ability to be empathetic and be compassionate to those who need it

The list is not exhaustive, additions are welcome in the comments below!

In a I think it's all about the balance between the need to be authentic to one's self and the need to connect to others ... 

Compromising ones authenticity for connection can lead to various psychological illness: depression, hypertension, stress and anxiety being the common ones ...

Conversely, manipulating others to submit to your authenticity, even using exploitation and abuse can turn you narcissistic or into a sociopath, which is also seriously problematic ...

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