By Farhan Noor
Need For Reconstruction of Social Order in the Light of Quran
There is justification in growing taunts and ridicule hurled against our identity—or rather at poor imitation of theirs; when cats bark and cows bray, surely, even a modest man cannot restrain himself from a hysterical laugh. Why do we then dress up like clowns and act like pigs? Surely, this nation has more IQ than that of a donkey-cart and more self-respect and dignity than a pea-sized pumpkin—but then why do we behave the way we do: like downright idiots? Why cannot we be just ‘us’? —but then, who are we? I believe this is our national dilemma: identity crisis! It is rightly said: when man does not know his worth—he simply becomes worthless.
How ridiculously stupid it is to sell gold at the price of muck—infinitely immeasurable—and yet we have: our religion. Do Men of God freely intermingle with seminude ladies to watch a belly dance—however elaborately and flawlessly choreographed against the upbeat tempo of Hindi tracks? How can really a reciter of Quran hum along the tunes of sensual and perverted lyrics however pleasing and gratifying it maybe? No—the fact is crueler than it will feel: we are no longer Men of God—only animals, or even worse, for we have degraded our souls in return for cheap and basely pleasures of this temporal world. How truly deeply we lack in depth and taste to see crass for what it is. If only we knew our worth we’d weep in delight of our glorious fortune. Sigh.
—perhaps we have. It hurts me with amusement to see Muslim women feel and look embarrassed and apologetic inhijab while ‘they’ (dis)grace themselves in revealing outfits and yet stand tall with pride! Do we deep down inside of us too believe Islam as an oppressive religion which keeps its women in subjugation and humiliation? —perhaps, perhaps, we really do: actions have always spoken louder than words. If seeing is believing then doing is confirmation—alas, what has made us all so blind? And so perverted? We flout the way of the Prophet (pbuh) and embrace vulgarity, lewdness, and obscenity in the name of arts and fashion and readily consume alcohol in the name of professionalism and sophistication—how lame.
—surely, we should, but have we? It is one thing to proclaim and quite another to be. If words alone could execute intentions, we, the Pakistani’s, would have conquered the Heavens—from Eden to Firdaus, and beyond if possible! Such is our talent! I do not marvel at our ineptness to progress economically as a nation but do wonder how deviously innocent and ignorant and indifferent we can become to our conscience, as if there is none. Surely, no Pakistani, living as a Muslim, is free from inner-guilt, and yet how spectacularly he/she justifies his/her crimes with such profound logic and reason, is indeed a work of art, or perhaps science—nay, a miracle, qualified for worldwide admiration and idolization, and worship!
Perhaps it is us—the perpetrators, and not the victim. We shoulder the responsibility for this organization of social disorder and corruption of human minds and nature—not ‘them’, for it is we who profess Islam and claim to be Muslims i.e. enjoiner of good and forbidder of wrong. Sigh. How incredibly stupid it is to believe in what it is not, and see what does not exist—surely, the prevailing social system is barred from all divine grace and in fact marred with vices and infected with diseases destined for a fatal end. What will it take for us to realize this—more eyes, or a newer brain? No—only a cleaner purer heart.
Hello? This is cultural imperialism, not influence—no; the square-faced western society is coercing itself into our well-rounded one. Have we not determined its consequences? Are we prepared to admit the Truth? Rest assured we are not. Ignorance never has been bliss, only fatal—this we don’t understand, no. Why are our own people, our own flesh and blood, our very own brothers and sisters, selling us, their families, for a meager paltry gain? Do we really need to see what we are shown on TV? Do we not, as Muslims, believe in simplicity and sobriety, humility and gracility, dignity and piety? Is our culture a reflection of our beliefs? Sigh. When money becomes God and profit, a religion—Man officially then becomes an animal.
Why should I shut my eyes or turn my face, and plug my ears, and pretend otherwise? I detest this culture of consumption—of lust, greed, jealously, arrogance, lies, and insensitivity; this dog-eat-dog mentality; this downward trend in tastes and emphasis on the banal, the superficial, the capricious, and the disposable; and everything from mudslinging, backbiting, and leg-pulling to outright corruption and perversion of thoughts and self-indulgences.
Who is to listen to me except these naked walls and sightless wind and deafening silence—you? O Children of Pakistan! We are an Islamic country. The westernization of our society is an attempt to raise Pillars of Shirk i.e. the Unholy Trinity in Secularism, Materialism, and Liberalism; one is to separate us from Allah, the other from Hereafter, and the latter from Quran. If indeed we are on a path of progress—cultural refinement as they say, then why are the following on rise: suicide, divorce, depression, anxiety, rape, abuse, neglect, anger…? Know the facts. Think for yourself. Make a decision…now.
We must work together for the reconstruction of three primary social instutions: marriage and family, schools, and media. Surely, surely, we do not have our children to raise bastards or marry to their gender or see our next generation raised up in day care centers, by nurses or baby-sitters. We also do not want to see our children indoctrinated at schools so that they become just another ‘brick in the wall.’ Neither we want to see us, ourselves, and thenation waste our time in frivolous activites i.e. watching television shows, movies, reading glossy novels, chatting over internet, listening to music while the real work, important issue stroll past by us?
Disclaimer: I have never discriminated any nation; it is the system we are against, the system of injustice and imbalance, and intolerance
Need For Reconstruction of Social Order in the Light of Quran
There is justification in growing taunts and ridicule hurled against our identity—or rather at poor imitation of theirs; when cats bark and cows bray, surely, even a modest man cannot restrain himself from a hysterical laugh. Why do we then dress up like clowns and act like pigs? Surely, this nation has more IQ than that of a donkey-cart and more self-respect and dignity than a pea-sized pumpkin—but then why do we behave the way we do: like downright idiots? Why cannot we be just ‘us’? —but then, who are we? I believe this is our national dilemma: identity crisis! It is rightly said: when man does not know his worth—he simply becomes worthless.
59:19 And be ye not like those who forgot Allah. and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!Sniff. This blatant imitation of the western (pop) and eastern (hindi) socio-cultural lifestyle is a pathetic attempt to become one of ‘them’ as if the civilizations they represent are any models of excellence. It is tempting to unfold my thoughts the way I do…gradually…but I’d rather declare and proclaim at first instant, in single meaning words, lest I am hanged, what this article is not about: contempt for the leper; and what this article is in fact all about: vilification of leprosy. In context—let not the reader doubt my utmost respect for the Americans, the British, and the Indian people. On the contrary, I feel these nations themselves are victims of the socio-cultural system that has left us all farther and farther away from our innate human nature i.e. need for worship of One God. This only makes it more and more relevant to propose an apt alternative against this organization of artificial ethos.
How ridiculously stupid it is to sell gold at the price of muck—infinitely immeasurable—and yet we have: our religion. Do Men of God freely intermingle with seminude ladies to watch a belly dance—however elaborately and flawlessly choreographed against the upbeat tempo of Hindi tracks? How can really a reciter of Quran hum along the tunes of sensual and perverted lyrics however pleasing and gratifying it maybe? No—the fact is crueler than it will feel: we are no longer Men of God—only animals, or even worse, for we have degraded our souls in return for cheap and basely pleasures of this temporal world. How truly deeply we lack in depth and taste to see crass for what it is. If only we knew our worth we’d weep in delight of our glorious fortune. Sigh.
95:4 We have indeed created man In the best of moulds; 96:5 Then do we abase Him (to be) the lowest of the low,-We are Muslims! Yet we delight in adorning ourselves with foreign identities—no, I do not refer or imply to its physical manifestation but rather wishes to indicate towards a more subtle implication: are we still the ones who we claim we are i.e. Muslims? There is a whole lot behind what meets the eye. When our children are seen wearing other peoples minds, their values and beliefs; waiting to be told what to wear, to eat and drink; who to love and what to hate; what to say and what to think; how to live and when to die—one does scratch his head and speculate on this deafening silence behind the growing trends. Are we not becoming ‘them’—through and through? Are we still Muslims? Cough. Or have we already sold ourselves for the price of muck… have we?
—perhaps we have. It hurts me with amusement to see Muslim women feel and look embarrassed and apologetic inhijab while ‘they’ (dis)grace themselves in revealing outfits and yet stand tall with pride! Do we deep down inside of us too believe Islam as an oppressive religion which keeps its women in subjugation and humiliation? —perhaps, perhaps, we really do: actions have always spoken louder than words. If seeing is believing then doing is confirmation—alas, what has made us all so blind? And so perverted? We flout the way of the Prophet (pbuh) and embrace vulgarity, lewdness, and obscenity in the name of arts and fashion and readily consume alcohol in the name of professionalism and sophistication—how lame.
82:6 O Man! What has made you careless from Thy Lord Most Beneficent?-It however remains to be understood the contributing factor(s) for such a dramatic fallout in our behavior and attitude, as Muslims and as Pakistanis—surely, no decent man can revel in shamelessness and impiety and celebrate immorality and inequity; why then us? There is only one reason: we are no longer Muslims, and only those who trulyunderstand Islam understands my argument, for a Muslim, in all his thoughts and conduct, is a breed of a special kind. A Muslim is the climax of God’s creation, the acme of mortal perfection, and a representative of the Immortal, the Irresistible One! Such is a Muslim! Should we not then establish a society grounded on the Principles laid down by Allah Himself?
—surely, we should, but have we? It is one thing to proclaim and quite another to be. If words alone could execute intentions, we, the Pakistani’s, would have conquered the Heavens—from Eden to Firdaus, and beyond if possible! Such is our talent! I do not marvel at our ineptness to progress economically as a nation but do wonder how deviously innocent and ignorant and indifferent we can become to our conscience, as if there is none. Surely, no Pakistani, living as a Muslim, is free from inner-guilt, and yet how spectacularly he/she justifies his/her crimes with such profound logic and reason, is indeed a work of art, or perhaps science—nay, a miracle, qualified for worldwide admiration and idolization, and worship!
Perhaps it is us—the perpetrators, and not the victim. We shoulder the responsibility for this organization of social disorder and corruption of human minds and nature—not ‘them’, for it is we who profess Islam and claim to be Muslims i.e. enjoiner of good and forbidder of wrong. Sigh. How incredibly stupid it is to believe in what it is not, and see what does not exist—surely, the prevailing social system is barred from all divine grace and in fact marred with vices and infected with diseases destined for a fatal end. What will it take for us to realize this—more eyes, or a newer brain? No—only a cleaner purer heart.
The Prophet (saw) said, "Everything has its polish and the polish of hearts is Dhikrullah. (i.e. Al-Quran)"Never has been in the history of Pakistan such unregulated admission given to Cable TV; the decision has left us all spiritually, morally, culturally, and nationally redefined and restructured on the channels of secularism, materialism, and liberalism—the road to a failed society. Can we really not see through this glamour galore and fancy lights the paling face and the artificial heartbeat? Surely, surely, it takes only a common sense to tell apart the good from bad—that too for ourselves, not for Pakistan and let alone Islam! Is this too much to ask for and too much to expect? —perhaps it is.
Hello? This is cultural imperialism, not influence—no; the square-faced western society is coercing itself into our well-rounded one. Have we not determined its consequences? Are we prepared to admit the Truth? Rest assured we are not. Ignorance never has been bliss, only fatal—this we don’t understand, no. Why are our own people, our own flesh and blood, our very own brothers and sisters, selling us, their families, for a meager paltry gain? Do we really need to see what we are shown on TV? Do we not, as Muslims, believe in simplicity and sobriety, humility and gracility, dignity and piety? Is our culture a reflection of our beliefs? Sigh. When money becomes God and profit, a religion—Man officially then becomes an animal.
Why should I shut my eyes or turn my face, and plug my ears, and pretend otherwise? I detest this culture of consumption—of lust, greed, jealously, arrogance, lies, and insensitivity; this dog-eat-dog mentality; this downward trend in tastes and emphasis on the banal, the superficial, the capricious, and the disposable; and everything from mudslinging, backbiting, and leg-pulling to outright corruption and perversion of thoughts and self-indulgences.
Who is to listen to me except these naked walls and sightless wind and deafening silence—you? O Children of Pakistan! We are an Islamic country. The westernization of our society is an attempt to raise Pillars of Shirk i.e. the Unholy Trinity in Secularism, Materialism, and Liberalism; one is to separate us from Allah, the other from Hereafter, and the latter from Quran. If indeed we are on a path of progress—cultural refinement as they say, then why are the following on rise: suicide, divorce, depression, anxiety, rape, abuse, neglect, anger…? Know the facts. Think for yourself. Make a decision…now.
66:6 O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the commands…I shall end my article on a note I started with: this article is not to condemn the leper but is in vilification of leprosy.
We must work together for the reconstruction of three primary social instutions: marriage and family, schools, and media. Surely, surely, we do not have our children to raise bastards or marry to their gender or see our next generation raised up in day care centers, by nurses or baby-sitters. We also do not want to see our children indoctrinated at schools so that they become just another ‘brick in the wall.’ Neither we want to see us, ourselves, and thenation waste our time in frivolous activites i.e. watching television shows, movies, reading glossy novels, chatting over internet, listening to music while the real work, important issue stroll past by us?
Disclaimer: I have never discriminated any nation; it is the system we are against, the system of injustice and imbalance, and intolerance
Its a wakeup call for me, May Allah giveme the azzam to help my society
ReplyDeleteMay Allah give barakah in your efforts... This should be read by everyone...