Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Women Rights Hoax

By Omar Javaid

Both men and women are living together since the very beginning of history, they have lived and survived in equal proportions throughout, and even today their proportions in the world population of around 7 billion is almost equal[i]. This makes a curious mind eventually asks after looking at the present day mantras from women empowerment and liberation, that how come womankind has survived since thousands of years in equal proportions, despite all the supposed atrocities, oppressions, and wrath of men's domination, if there is any? 

There can be multiple answers to this question: 

1) If the hypothesis of men being 'brutally against women's wellbeing' is correct then definitely we can assume that she has the capacity to survive those hardships as otherwise her percentage in population must have been significantly lower than that of men, which eventually would have increased her importance or value due to scarcity but more men would be left without partners which would have in turn caused frustration, rage and subsequent conflicts and disturbance in the society. If the hypothesis of men being brutal 'in relative terms' is false then we should ask what really the fuss is all about?

2) If the birth ratios of men would have been less than women, which is not really the case in reality[ii]  then we could have assume that men's brutal attitude actually serves a noble purpose rather, i.e. to balance out the proportions among the population of both genders, as otherwise there would have been more women than men on the planet, their value would also have decreased due to abundance; and an even larger number of women would have left without partners (read husbands), 'an even larger' because survivability of male is lesser then women, to be very precise 1.07 male births are there for each female birth but while the babies turn into adults, the ratio is reduced to 1.01 males per female[iii].

So what the fuss is really all about, let us then find out ...
Never in the history the issue of women's rights has been addressed in a way like it is today … has the women's population sharply decreased recently? It can be argued rather that it is not just about survivability. It’s about quality of survival ... however this would imply that that the men are living in better conditions then women? If so then why they die more? Just for the sake of argument if we assume that those men who survives tends to have better lives, or get their due rights as compare to women, only then the issue of women's rights seems to have some weight and if not then there is something really fishy about this whole issue and the way it is being addressed at the global levels, in such a peculiar way. 

But again why don't we find any such campaign in history similar to what we see today? Have women waken up after thousands of years of oppression, as the first ever formal document on women's rights first surfaced in 1792[iv]? Have they evolved into a relatively stronger species hence have become vocal about their problems? Have the men realized that they have made the womenfolk to suffer for so long and now its time to compensate or repent? Some say that its Democracy, perhaps[v]? Or there is some sinister agenda behind it?

This is exactly what we will try to explore in this documentary, and we will see if there is really a problem, if so then what is its root cause? And if we really ought to solve the problem by the solutions posed by the so called women rights advocates then would it really help? 

Let us be very clear on one thing, that we don't intend to ridicule women’s position relative to men in this document, the only intention is the get to the root cause of the problem if there be any and look for the most appropriate solution.

Modernist View of Women Empowerment

In the beginning let us explore what is the fundamental measurement which is used by all women rights advocates, let it be UN, NGOs, or other organizations to measure women's empowerment, because more the women is empowered the more she can resist or pose a deterrent capability against men's atrocities (assuming if there are any). 

It is interesting to note that while devising such a measurement, the status of women in the underdeveloped or third world countries is taken into account and is compared with their counterparts in developed countries. In a nut shell the women's economic and political independence is regarded as the determining factor which indicates that women in a society are indeed empowered, or are not dependent on male members of the society for their economic well being[vi]. Strength of the Legal framework and women literacy and health in a society are also considered to be a means of achieving this end[vii]

In other words if she is an independent consumer or producer in a society, the degree of her consumption and production independence will determine how empowered she is! Her production ability for that matter could allow her to participate in the economic activity by producing an item in a factory or by providing a service in a call center, in bank or even in the sex market! If she is doing that and her literacy rates, the legal framework of the country where she belongs, or efficiency and effectiveness of the law enforcement agencies are facilitating her economic independence, then she would be considered as Empowered from the contemporary and popular point of view. 

Norway for that matter hold the top position in this context, Sweden comes next, then comes Denmark, Finland and Netherlands then holds the fifth position[viii]. If such measures are considered true by any developing country or its policy makers, then they will inevitably look at the leading social factors to such an empowerment; i.e. they will look at the cultures, the value system, the Ideological affiliations prevalent in those countries and will compare them with their own, eventually adopting those to the extent possible over a period of time. This adoption will be done via modification in educational policies and via using mass media, in a way that will lead their social fabric to mimic the cultures, values, or even ideology of the benchmark countries. This process will take decades but those countries who will drive on this road successfully will be considered to be on the path to achieve the level of women empowerment and will subsequently be considered on the path of development by the modern opinion makers; and the countries which would lag behind would be rather considered as backward, rigid, stubborn and even extremists[ix]

The situation in the developed countries is deplorable for a big percentage of women's population (So as it is in the developed country but in a different way which we will explore in a while). She faces various forms of abuses ranging from sexual, physical to psychological, let alone kidnapping and trafficking[x]. The poverty is considered to be one of the fundamental cause for this abuses[xi] for which variety of reasons are hypothesized, then comes literacy; and the solution is sought in increased participation of women in politics and economic activity; in politics also because while in parliament women are assumed to have the power to alter constitution and does so in way not expected by men[xii]. These female politicians are thus expected to enforce and provide legal protection for women who are vulnerable to domestic abuse, and when out of her home doing a job to make her economically independent, let it be in the sex market[xiii].

In this way many third world or developing countries are living the assumption that by copy pasting the western paradigm of women's role in a society and by providing her an atmosphere where she can mimic her western counterparts she would be brought out of the torturous life she was in before[xiv]

This approach is thus a way to economically quarantine women away from men as otherwise; it is assumed that, men would eventually never stop abusing her. This can only work like a pain killer but doesn't really kill the root cause, hence the disease cannot be expected to be cure, and the cancer can only be expected to spread underneath the skin, i.e. the real cause of men's abusive behavior.

This approach is perhaps based on a hypothesis that men cannot be taught to respect women and would abuse her anyway if she is economically dependent on him. It is being assumed that to abuse a woman who is economically dependent on him is perhaps hardwired in male nature; therefore women must rather be made economically independent via various measures. 

Let us see how fishy the situation really is ...

The Question Marks

 The intentions of those who advocate such solutions should be put to test ... action speak louder then words. If the test is passed, we would assume that the women's rights advocates are rather trying their best in their available capacities to help women folk to live better lives, and if they failed then it would mean that something is really fishy going on. 

Let us ask, 

a) If men are fundamentally corrupt in a sense that during financial difficulties, for example, they would subject their wives to mental or physical torture and it is not humanly possible to taught them to change their habits, If so then why do not they treat their mothers, sisters in the same way[xv] What creates the difference in their approach toward their mothers or sisters etc, is it the influence of religion, cultural values and their level of education? Looking at the enormous power of media, isn't it possible to alter the perception of men which forces him to ill treat the women dependent on him, mostly his wife? If this difference is due to cultural or religious values then why we don't see any such campaign bring run anywhere in the media ... for e.g. if GEO TV can run a massive campaign by the name of Zara shociye[xvi] against Hudood Ordinance then why can't media run campaigns which teaches some values to men on how to treat women in a proper way? Isn't it worth giving it a try?

b) Are women in the western countries are living in a much better condition than the women in the developed countries? What does the stats of sex crimes in developed countries tells us about[xvii]? What about prostitution and the horrors it brings to the women[xviii]? What about the rape trade that ends up in developed countries[xix]? What about the pregnancies which are teen girls are subjected to due to peer pressures or cultural norms[xx]? What about the abuses she gets in corporate life, are comparable measures taken curb the root causes[xxi]?

c) Why the stability in the institution of the family isn’t measured to gauge the status of women in the society? Is it too difficult to measure? Can it be achieved without advocating (so called) economic independence for women? What efforts are been taken to strengthen the family structure of the third world countries in comparison to the measures been taken to empower her? What would it cost and what would be the benefits it would yield to the society as a whole and to the next generation when the family structure is strengthened? or Perhaps it's not much profitable to help solve the family issues more than the women empowerment issue? (REF, google stats)

We will try to probe against each of these questions when and where necessary. Though, Let us now try to realize that when we see some people highlighting some problems and then taking half measures or measures which are not proven to really help solve a problem, or solutions which subsequently produce even more problems for women or society by solving a few, or perhaps serve some sinister agenda, then two things comes in mind

a) Either all the women empowerment advocates are either too naive to get into this depth, or

b) The intentions of all or some of those involved is corrupt; and for this very reason we took the initiative to prepare this article so as to dig deep down and investigate that what the mantra is really all about. 

Just to give an example see the box below to estimate the impact of implementation of CEDAW policies in New Zealand:
“The majority of sex workers felt that the law could do little about violence that occurred.” 35% reported in 2007 that they had been coerced to prostitute with a given john in the past 12 months. A majority of respondents felt that decriminalization made no difference with respect to the violence of johns in prostitution – they felt that it was inevitably a part of the sex industry. The Report notes that “few” sex workers, regardless of whether they were prostituting indoors or outdoors, reported any of the incidents of violence or crimes against them to the police. Many owners of brothels have the same exploitive contract arrangements that existed before prostitution was decriminalized. Often no written contracts or their questionable quality … In 2006, an Auckland lawyer declared decriminalization a “disaster” which had resulted in an “explosion” of children in prostitution in Auckland and Christchurch, three murders of people in prostitution, and local businesses complaining of prostitution occurring on their premises and used condoms littering streets and doorways. “Barrister labels prostitution law ‘a disaster’”
(To read the complete article visit:

Before we proceed, let us say a few words about women and men's role in a society. Males are different from females, in all life forms, i.e. from animals to insects and plants. Both have different functions which are crucial for the survivability of their respective race or species. The most fundamental difference is in their roles in the procreation activity. Males have a unique purpose, which we all know, and so does females, which of course requires no elaboration also. And this very difference is the crux of all dissimilarities we see among both genders. Men are therefore cannot be considered as equivalent to women, and vice versa, and it is due to the virtue of this dissimilarity that all life forms including humans are surviving since hundreds of thousands of years. No one has to be a Phd to understand this. These differences are equally important for not just physical survival of human race but also in intellectual and spiritual sense; importance of both genders is equal, but this doesn't mean that both would behave and have similar roles in a society, as well. 

No you don't have to be a Phd to understand this but you definitely need not to think like a capitalist who see both male and a female as a factor of product, instead have a broader mind to compare the two holistically in order to understand the importance both genders hold in terms of the ends which their ‘difference’ serves to meet, i.e. physical, intellectual and spiritual survival and development of the human race (we will discuss the purpose of this survival later on). Because when this dissimilarity is seen with shortsightedness, in a very economic (neo-liberal) way, then the trouble starts. People tends to forget the ulterior objective of this dissimilarity and become irritated and overwhelmed with friction which is caused as a result in petty matters, or perhaps when it is seen as a barrier toward achieving some other objective like raising the standard of living from modernists viewpoint.

The Principle of Measurement

All the solution of the problems causing an unbalance between the two genders must be devised keeping in view the ulterior purpose of the dissimilarity of both the genders. But contrary to this, solutions which are devised tend to reduce this dissimilarity by economically quarantining women, in a way that it eventually hinders the true purpose this dissimilarity must serve. Of course when mothers are working then who would take care of the children at home? Daycare centers? or Baby sitters? Dr Stephan R Covey has warn of the grave consequences of transferring the responsibility of child rearing to someone else in third chapter of his book 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families', Dr. Stephan says that our society, schooling system and particularly the TV doesn't qualify in a least sense for development of emotionally, intellectually and spiritually healthy human beings. 

We must realize that humans are not animals, and the difference between humans and animals is merely because of intellectual and spiritual superiority of humans, which if not developed can only degrade them towards the animal kind. A part from physical, a mother also has the ability to develop the intellectual, emotional and spiritual abilities of her child. This she does by keeping the children in an atmosphere of love and affection till the time they are ripped enough to face the challenges of life. This atmosphere of love and affection is rather like a psychological womb in which the children have to stay for at least first three years of his life, just like he does in a womb in her mother's belly, until necessary. Who can do it better then a mother?[xxii]  But once the mother finds herself forced to indulge in any economic activity, it eventually affects the quality of time her child requires, or metaphorically the child doesn't gets sufficient dose of intellectual, emotional and spiritual nutrients, which in turn affects the development of child's human characteristics; just like his physical development would have affected in mother’s womb if sufficient dose of nutrients wouldn't have reach the infants body. The father is thus should be held responsible, even by law if possible, to provide shelter, food and emotional reinforcement to the mother, so that she can perform her most noble duty without any disruption. Is this rocket science that most cannot understand? The point is not the confine her to home, in face if she wants to indulge in an entrepreneurial activity by her own free will then, or socialize for that matter without compromising with her core responsibility then there should be any stopping to it. The problem starts when her role of motherhood is ridiculed, marginalized, discouraged in favor of her economic role. The reverse should be the case. However on the contrary CEDAW criticizes the traditional idea of motherhood, stating as a stereotypical, and have encouraged those countries which have taken measures to strengthen the infrastructure for daycare business[xxiii].

Looking at from such a perspective, what should be ones priorities when devising a solution for those of womenfolk who are suffering due to various reasons? Shall we devise ways which can protect her rights exclusively at the cost of the next generation development or refinement of human race? Or Shall we devise ways which can able her to mimic the role of her male counterpart by becoming economic independent at the cost of compromising true needs of her children?  Is it really possible to devise such a solution? or has such a solution ever been devised and how?

A Glimpse into History

To answer these questions, particularly the last one, it is important that we take a brief look at how women have been treated throughout history in various cultures, so as to learn and extract from the mistakes or measures taken to ensure women's rights.  

Greece: Women were despised and belittled in the Greek society, as the Greeks claimed that women are a part of Satans plots against mankind. Greek men used to buy and sell their women just as they would buy and sell material goods. Even Socrates, whom western philosophers hold in a high position as a philosopher and thinker, said, Women are the reason behind all the crisis and destruction in the world. The woman is like a poisonous tree, it looks beautiful on the outside, yet when the birds eat from it, they instantly die. Just before the destruction of the Greek civilization, vice and moral decay became so wide-spread that immoral behaviors became an act of worship that draws one closer to the gods.

Roman: The Romans slogan as regards women was that, The woman has no soul. This is why they sometimes used to discipline their women by pouring hot oil on their stomachs, tying them to poles that were dug in the ground, or even by dragging them behind their horses until such condemned women die.

Ancient Chines: Chinese philosophers equate women with impure water that washes away happiness and money. Chinese women used to be inherited, just like cattle and sheep. Until today, some Chinese still kill their female children, because they prefer to have male children to help them work in the fields.

Babylon: Hamorabis law considered women to be just like cattle. Furthermore, Babylons law stated that if a person kills the daughter of another man, then he is obliged to give away his own daughter to be killed or enslaved in return.

Hindu Civilization: Hindu law and teachings state that, The wind, death, hell, poison, snakes, and the fire are all better than the woman.

Ancient Persia: Before Islam, the Persian society allowed the man to marry his mother, sisters, aunts and nieces! In addition, women were banished to an isolated place during their monthly period. Women had no rights in the Persian society, as they were under the total control of their husbands, including the right to give them life or death.

Judaism: Some Jewish sects used to treat women like servants. The Jewish father had the right to sell his daughter, even when she was still very young. Jewish law specifies that women should be avoided during their monthly period. During that time, Jewish men would neither sit next to their women, nor eat with them, nor are women allowed to even touch any pot, so that the pots do not become impure!

Christianity: Marriage was sometimes considered an impure act, and until the present time, Catholic priests are not allowed to marry, as single man is considered better than married men. They believe that women are the door to Satan, and that any type of relationship with women is impure. They also consider that elevation in righteousness will not be achieved except by refraining from marriage. Tertolian, who is referred to as the saint said that the woman, Is the door for Satan to the humans soul, as she destroys Gods law and corrupts men.

Before Islam: Before Islam, Arab women were neither given a share of the inheritance, nor did the wife have any right on her husband. Whenever a man dies, his eldest son inherits his wives like he inherits other possessions. Also, Arabs used to force their women into prostitution. Furthermore, Arab men used to gamble away their women and children. Some types of food were allowed only for men, and some people used to kill their daughters so that they do not share their food with them Islam considers women to be mens sisters. In Islam, women have rights and reasonable responsibilities.

After Islam: Islam specifies that it is a bounty from Allah that He has created women for men, a bounty that all men should be thankful and appreciative for. Allah said, what translated means, {And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy.} [30:21].

Also, the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, said, what translated means, Women are only Shaqa-iq (halves or siblings) of men. Women have the same responsibilities as men do with regards to practicing the cornerstones of Islam. But, when women are experiencing their monthly periods, they do not pray or fast. Also, Islam makes no distinction between men and women with regards to acquiring the rewards of the Last Life. Allah said, what translated means, {Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him (or her) We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (Paradise in the Hereafter).} [16:97].

Islam strictly forbids killing female fetuses and babies. It also prohibits killing women during combat. Islam recognizes that Allah created women with distinct emotional needs and fragility. In addition, Islam recognizes that women play a crucial role in preserving mens honor. This is why Islam treats women with care, kindness and honor. The Prophet has commanded men to, Treat women righteously. [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. He also said, The best ones among you are those who are the best with their wives. [At-Tirmithi]. Islam has stressed women’s rights, for they are our mothers, sisters and daughters. Allah has commanded Muslims to treat their mothers with utmost respect, kindness and care, Allah said, what translated means,

And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination.} [31:14].

Also, a man once came to the Messenger of Allah asking him, O Messenger of Allah! Who deserves my best companionship? He said, Your mother. He said, Whom then? He said, Your mother. He said, Whom then? He said, Your mother. He said, Whom then? He said, Your father. [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. Furthermore, when a man came to the Messenger of Allah asking for permission to join the Jihad, the Messenger asked him, Do have a mother (meaning is she still alive)? He said, Yes. He said, Then stay with her, for Paradise is beneath her feet. [An-Nasaii]. Al-Bukhari also narrated that ibn Umar once saw a man who was carrying his mother on his back in Hajj and saying, I am her pet camel, if her camel became startled, I will not be startled. Allah, my Lord, the Exalted and Ever Generous, if I carry her more than she carried me, do you think that I have fulfilled her right, O ibn Umar? He then said, O ibn Umar, do you believe that I have fulfilled her right? Ibn Umar said, No, not even one scream, meaning while she was in labor with you. As for the daughters, Islam does not differentiate between the way male and female children are treated. Islam has strictly forbidden killing the daughters, as Allah said, what translated means, {Indeed lost are they who have killed their children, from folly, without knowledge,} [6:140]. Also, Ibn Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, Whoever has two sisters or two daughters and treats them righteously as long as they are still with him, I and he will be like those two in Paradise and he joined between two of his fingers. [Al-Khatib in his book, At-Tarikh]. Furthermore, the Prophet has set the best example in the righteous way he used to treat his wives and daughters, such as his daughter Fatimah. He once said, Fatimah is some of me, and whoever makes her angry, makes me angry. [Al-Bukhari].
With regards to the wife, Allah gave each of the spouses their own rights and responsibilities, as He has said, what translated means, 

{And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses, etc.) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect, etc.) to what is reasonable.} [2:228]. 

This Ayah indicates that women have certain rights on their husbands just as their husbands have certain rights on them. Also, the Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, The Dunya is Mata (material joy), and the best of its Mata is the righteous wife. [Muslim]. Al- Hakim also narrated that the Prophet said, Whoever Allah has endowed with a righteous wife, He will have helped him regarding half of his religion. Therefore, let him fear Allah in the second half. Furthermore, Islam has commanded the husband to spend on his wife, as the Prophet said to a man who asked him about the wifes right on her husband, And feed her when you eat, give her clothes when you get clothes for yourself, and neither curse her nor ignore her except in the house. [Ahmad]. He also said, The best woman is she who pleases you when you look at her, obeys you when you command her, and protects her honor and your money in your absence. [At- Tabari in Al-Kabir].

A poet once said,

The best of what mankind can acquire,
so that their religion is made more solid for them,
is a thankful heart, a Thakir tongue (that remembers Allah often)
and a righteous wife who helps her husband.

Islam has also protected the rights of the woman by giving her a rightful share in the inheritance and by commanding her children to respect and obey her. When a woman is alone, without a husband or child or brother etc., the Islamic community is obliged to spend on her and to provide for her, until she departs this earthly life. This is how Islam protects women and guarantees them their full rights. Is there any religion or constitution on earth that comes close?![xxiv]

Critical Analysis of Islamic Viewpoint

 How shall we analyze the contribution of Islam toward upliftment of women's status in society? What benchmarks we shall use to measure this upliftment? Shall we use the modernist paradigm for this purpose? Its very important that how we look at the problem or the solution because it makes a world of a difference! The inevitable question thus is about how we should be looking at this issue? or How shall we decide which perspective to select. It is however beyond doubt that the modernist viewpoint will reject the solution to the issue of women’s rights! Why? 
Before we answer this question why don't we women, particularly those who have converted to Islam form Christianity, Judaism or any other ideology. Let us see how the world is viewed from their angle and how to they feel about position where Islam has brought them. 

Interesting isn't it, this means that something is really fishy going on with those who thinks otherwise! Indeed modernists, who want women out of hijab, proclaim that it’s a form of oppression and it is against their concept of women empowerment. Testimonial however proves otherwise, which eventually raises a question that why they are so much against the women's status as advocated by Islam. What does the modernist wants?

On the other hand, just to have an idea about the biasness of their approach let ask why on the contrary they don't object to the humiliation of women in advertisements and pornography where she is presented as a disposable object? Why don't we see any movement among the modernists, let alone UN, to end prostitution, for that matter? Instead of that we rather find a great many so called intellectuals trying to raise their voice in favor of prostitution and advocating the its legalization[xxv]

Let us ask again, why the modernist is seen taking measures which doesn't actually solve the crux of the problem, but rather creates even more? The question we should rather ask is whether the modernists really wants to solve the problem or rather he wants to create some more for some sinister agenda? What is it really? Is it profits? or is it satisfaction of their lustful desires? of both?

Lets explore these answers by exploring why the west is really against the concept of Hijab despite the fact only a fraction of the Muslim ladies observing it.

Why the modernists are against Hijab (From Shahnawaz Farooqi)

West has been using various derogatory terms against the tradition of Hijab since multiple generations like it was said as a sign of religious or societal oppression, domination of males, backwardness, narrow mindedness and conservativeness. These terms were used by modernists and advocates of western ideology whenever the Hijab brought forward for discussion; It was rather ridiculed. However recently a change in the approach or modernists tonality occurred and Hijab was rather seen and criticized as a symbol of discrimination and hindrance in the process of civilization and cultural unison, or rather we should say the indoctrination of western ideals on other civilizations. In a way Hijab has been upgraded to a new status among the modernists, as previously it’s was only ridiculed, and today it is aggressively opposed. Recent bans on veiling in France, Belgium and other European countries confirm just this.

If we ponder then we will notice that many decades earlier those individuals, also from Muslim societies, who relocated themselves in western societies, did so for economic reasons. They were considered as cheap labor by westerners. These Muslims in turned earned a relatively more ‘resourceful’ life, then they could have earned at their homes, in return to their servitude to their western master. These natives though had this thing in their mind that some day they will most probably go back to their countries. For this reason, on one side, they perceived it as appropriate to remain subservient to western values, of course temporarily, and on the other side, majority of them didn’t find it much relevancy in the idea of upgrading their educational or professional profiles as well, although a few thought contrarily. Subsequently with them ladies with were either those who didn’t observed Hijab, or if they did then they use to remain indoors. During those times westerners only made mockery of Hijab, reactively.

Today, westerners are facing the next generation of these native Muslims who are rather very much different from previous generation and unlike their parents they are unwilling to remain subservient to the western values or trends. They are highly qualified and competent individuals, with a vision for themselves. Among them the ladies cannot be said to veil themselves due to the pressure of their husband, brothers or parents. These ladies are rather very much aware of the pros and cons of the choices they make for themselves, and the same ladies are also found advocating that veil is their choice and not imposed on them by coercion; it’s not oppression rather liberation. This makes their approach unique from that of their parents, and for this reason modernist also cannot use the same approach toward them which they used against their previous generation.

According to Jackstraw he finds it difficult to talk to ladies covering their faces as he cannot see their facial expressions. Such a powerful argument isn’t it! And it makes us wonder how Mr. Jack listens to radio, or talk on phone? Is Mr. Jack suffering from lack of imagination, hearing or perception? Even more interestingly we found Shahid Hussain, member of Darul-uloom of Britain, seconding Mr. Jack. Yvonne Ridley, the journalist who converted to Islam after being captured by Taliban, on the other hand found the reaction of Mr. Shahid as amusingly shocking and asked to whom his loyalty really belongs to?

We have already seen that the ladies who have opted or experimented Hijab has felt simply great for a variety of reason already discussed. If that’s really the case then we can term Hijab as sticky which at least pushes not all but a few observers to intrigue about why on earth that lady is opting for an outfit which is considered oppressive by most modernists? This question is even more impulsive when a non-Muslim lady is seen converting to Islam and veiling herself! and all the more awe-inspiring for a few ladies, who in turn think of giving it a try. So the domino effect is in the making.

The modernists know this for sure and have absolutely no option but to use propaganda tools to defame the concept of hijab or rather reinforce the perceived negativity by calling it as oppressive and against controversial idea of women empowerment. The techniques used for this purpose by modernists, who claim to be advocates of liberation of women's from the perceived oppression, is interestingly very much similar used by Edward Bernay, nephew of Sigmund Freud   in early 1900s. This intrigues us to look more deeply at what Bernay’s experiments and see how his ideas or practices can be related with contemporary modernist’s advocates of women’s rights.

Edward Bernay believed that the masses are rather driven by not rational ideas but by emotional forces and can be made convinced on a certain idea if emotional appeal is used to attract them.

Details of Edward Bernay Experiment

The core agenda behind Edward's experimental campaign was to increase sales of the cigarette of a particular brand, which was indeed successfully accomplished. 

According to Freud, among the irrational forces governing human behavior, sexual appeal was the most powerful. This idea was also very much prevalent in Edward's approach in the experiment we just discussed about, which later proved to be a great opportunity for the capitalist of that time to use the same technique to attract people to buy their product, thus the use of sexually explicit material, either in verbal or visual form became a trend[xxvi]

Even before Edwards experiment, the tension among American women was on the rise again. It so happened that during world wars the quantity of male workforce was reduced as large number of men were consumed in wars. The industrialist persuaded women by offering them jobs. This offer was welcomed by the women because their sources of dependence, i.e. men, were at the warfronts. However this inclusion of women folk was against the social trends prevalent at that time. Women were adhered to the roles of housewives; and when the industrialists invited them with a promise to raise in their standard of living, the men showed resistance. This was when Industrialists came up with an idea to persuade women by altering their perception about their role in family. The idea of liberty and freedom against women oppression was born. This was Idea was taken to new heights by Edward Berney, who showed that how effectively it can be used to enhance sales of products, as shown before. This was also the beginning of use of sexism in advertisement and marketing campaigns.

The industrialists or the capitalist thus began to utilize the sexually explicit material to attract and persuade the public to buy their products. The message was simple: using the product will enhance your sex appeal and will attract more of opposite sex. The same idea prevails till date. But that’s just one side of the coin. If such a marketing approach is used in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, it definitely will not produce the same results, i.e. increase in sales, until and unless the social norms and atmosphere mimics to that in the western countries.

Metaphorically speaking, if sexism in advertising is a seed then a ‘free sex culture’ is like fertile ground where this seed can be planted; therefore Such a social atmosphere or a ‘free sex culture’, where men and women are free to intermingle in any way they like, without any legal binding of marriage, was crucially important, thereof, to win the race in an increasingly competitive business environment. Henceforth, maintenance of such a social environment was necessary, and on the other side similar transformation of other societies, where the industrialists wanted to expand their business, was also considered important particularly when such vulgar trends were not prevalent there. This transformation is being enforced even today on those who resist this transformation and in turn are subjected to criticism and ridicule.

Hijab if seen in this context founds to be the greatest barrier toward creating such an atmosphere, simply because it just negates the very idea of free intermingling of sexes. It must therefore be noted that Hijab is not an outfit, rather its manifestation of a mindset of an individual which allows him to behave in a specific way. Any ban against it is not just ban on an outfit which looks conservative to the ultra conservative minds of modernists; rather it’s a ban on a mindset, a mindset which demands modesty, respect and focus on nurturing and strengthening of a family.

The strengthening of the family system is thus not a very attractive idea for the capitalists either. Because it confines the sexual appetite within the boundaries the family draws for itself. And a society where the family system will be very strong, the capitalists will not be able to use sexism as a tool to enhance their sales and subsequent profits.

Vulgarism in a society serves also negatively influence the strength of the family. According to a recent research those who are prone to vulgarity tends to think of the women they are gazing at, like objects which are of rough usage[xxvii]. Any individual and society appreciative to vulgarity will have a tendency to treat women like objects, which should rather be used and disposed when the need is fulfilled. Imagine how such a social tendency would affect the family institution, where the men have a tendency to treat women like objects? The tendency to get married would get lower, because it’s not easy to dispose of your spouse, and the divorce rates would rise in such societies as compare to the societies where such sexual freedom is considered a taboo. It is important to note that such trends are very much visible in all developed and developing nations[xxviii]. Even in Pakistan divorce rates are on the rise[xxix] so as vulgarism in media[xxx] The idea that we intend to highlight here is the factors which contributes among the breakdown of the family structure are on the rise and vulgarism in the society could be one of it causes. It is even more alarming that the measures taken to safeguard the family structure are only a fraction of those being taken in the name of women empowerment.

Economically quarantining women in the name of empowerment, on the other hand also serves the very purpose of not giving women’s her true rights, which are only possible only if the barriers to success in her role of a mother are removed, instead to be used by the capitalists for their purpose, bottom line i.e. What can be more satisfying for a mother to see her children developing? Of course it’s a difficult process and demands lots of sacrifices but ask any mother that what really satisfy her most. Should any activity which takes her away from her performance as a role of mother, be considered as her right? Shouldn’t all women’s rights advocates be focusing exclusively on providing all women with her right of motherhood and making an effort to eradicate all forms of domestic and social evils which takes her away from her this role?

It is often argued that without a free sex culture the crimes of sexual harassment will increase because males will not have sufficient channels to satisfy their desires and release resulting tension and frustrations. There is insignificant evidence to correlate sexual crimes (like rape and sexual harassment etc) and absence of free sex culture in a society, rather the opposite might be true[xxxi]. The issues which leads to such crimes when analyzed with honesty would yield the root cause to be habits like alcoholism[xxxii]. Sexual activity perhaps does release some tension or would relax the participants for a time being, but would only solve such problem like a painkiller kills pain or some narcotic drug help you forget about the world for a time being.

However we would rather agree that if free sex culture is legally banned from societies like America or other European countries abruptly then it will cause various other problem like increase in crime rate; because free sex culture is like a narcotic drug in these societies which allows them to release some of the tension. This tension and frustration is rather a byproduct of the worldview, the idea of purpose of existence and ways to achieve that purpose prevalent in those societies; use of alcohol, clubbing, even iPods serve the same purpose. The converts however realize just this and feel themselves freed from the clutches of the lifestyle forged by the capitalist and democratic despots. 

It is important that we must understand the difference in elimination of the ‘effects of a problem’ and ‘elimination of its root cause’.

Hijab is thus an outer skin of an antidote of all those social problems which the modernists or capitalist bosses don’t want to be solved because of the profits which they reap out of exploiting and capitalizing on those various forms of psychological and spiritual sufferings. Hence the battle against Hijab goes on and is interestingly intensified during the time of global economic crisis.

All those women who are converting to Islam and opting for Hijab are not just opting for an outfit; rather one must realize that it’s near to impossible to just adopt an outfit of this sort without realizing some very important facts about life and the purpose of one’s existence.

In case you are so much concern about women’s rights, then you should realize these very facts or if you too skeptical then investigate with an open mind and heart that that it is the mindset, the driving worldview, a unique sense of existence, and a way of life all encapsulated by Hijab which really empowers women and brings her rights to her.

It is even more important to realize that Hijab is not a feminine concept, rather men are also required to do Hijab but in a way unique. This can be easily understood if we realize that the broader meaning of this term, which is about shying away from anything which taken ones away from fulfilling his purpose of existence as explained by his creator. How it is done is very clearly defined in the Islamic scriptures and any religious scholar can be consulted to know the details of the same.

Little wonder why the women living in America are accepting Islam at a rate four times to the rate at which men are converting. Watch this


[i] World Demographics Profile 2012, Index Mundi, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[ii] ibid
[iii] ibid
[iv] A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wikipedia, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[v] Democracy and Gender, IDEA, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL
[vi] Measuring inequality: Gender-related Development Index (GDI) and Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), Human Development Reports, UNDP, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[vii] Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, Chapter 3, Global Monitering Report 2007, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[viii] Gender Empowerment, A poster by the SASI group (Sheffield) and Mark Newman (Michigan), Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL
[ix] Ten worst countries for women, By Ward, Olivia, The Star Magazine, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[x] The Rape Trade, A Channel 4 Documentary by Sam Kiley, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:; Violence Against Women Fact Sheet, State of World Population 2005, UNFPA, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:;
[xi] Women, violence and poverty - breaking out of the gender trap, Amnesty International, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[xii] Women’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap, by Augusto Lopez-Claros and Saadia Zahidi, World Economic Forum, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[xiii] 'Bad for the Body, Bad for the Heart': Prostitution Harms Women Even if Legalized or Decriminalized, by Melissa Farley,  Violence Against Women (2004), Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[xiv] Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Controversy, Wikipedia, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL: of_Discrimination_Against_Women#Controversy
[xv] Author searched the internet but could not found any study which talks about such a relationship, all the data on domestic abuse is referring to spousal abuse, general observation however tells us that the domestic violence is indeed among the spouses?
[xvi] Zara Sochiye, GEO TV, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[xvii] Rape Statistics - South Africa & Worldwide 2011, Rape Survivor Journey, Accessed 31st July 2012, URL:
Rape in the U.S. military, By Lucinda Marshall, Los Angeles Times (2008), Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:,0,510658.story
[xviii] Prostitution Research and Education, Accessed on 31st July 2012, URL:
[xix] The Rape Trade, A Channel 4 Documentary by Sam Kiley (2004), Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xx] Teen Pregnancies Present Serious Health Risks To Girls Worldwide, UNICEF Report Says, MNT, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
Epidemiology of teenage pregnancy, Wikipedia, Accessed on 1st July 2012, URL:
[xxi] Sexual Identity and Alcohol-Related Outcomes: Contributions of Workplace Harassment, by Stephanie J Nawyn et al, Journal of Substance Abuse Volume 11, Issue 3, May 2000, Pages 289–304, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxii] see Daniel Golemen, Emotional Intelligence
[xxiii] Motherhood And The Moral Influence Of Women, by Elder Bruce C. Hafen, Ph.D, Remarks to The World Congress of Families II, Geneva, Plenary Session IV, November 16, 1999, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxiv] The entire history section is taken from the Newsletter: Muslim Creed: January 2000 Vol. 8 No.1 and No. 2
[xxv] Does individual economic opportunity justify legalizing prostitution?, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxvi] see Adam Curtis’s documentary 'The century of self', Made for BBC
[xxvii] Sex objects: Pictures shift men's view of women, The Guardian, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL
Using Women's Bodies to Sell - Pin-Up Girls, Objectification of Women, and Self-Objectification, By Linda Lowen, Women Issues, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say, By Elizabeth Landau, CNN, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxviii] Family Types, Sociology 441 Stratification, University of Maryland, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxix] Divorce rate rising 30% yearly over incompatibility, By Uroos Ahmed, The Daily Times, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxx] JI to launch campaign against vulgarity in media, The News, Accessed 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxxi] Boys who watch porn 'think sexual harassment is acceptable, By Chris Irvine, The Telegraph, Accessed on 1st August 2012, URL:
[xxxii] Alcohol and Sexual Assault, by Antonia Abbey et al, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), Alcohol Health and Research World, Volume 25, Number 1, 2001


  1. You are doing a very good job and authentic and most valuable work,Yes we know that most of the people is saying that Islam did not give the freedom to women this blog is telling all those people who said this,that Islam as compared to all religion give more right and freedom to women but the freedom is a mean not that freedom to spoil and destroy women

  2. Good one OJ,
    though the root cause lies in the definitions of Progress and Freedom.

  3. I didnt read the whole article but i think this article is more than enough for liberal ones to let them know about the boundries and limitation of freedom set by islam to protect the women.


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