"Women in India are now told not venture out late at night, not to travel alone, not to wear certain type of clothes. This is what precisely Islam teaches. In maharashtra Shiv Sainiks are acting as moral police stopping valentine celebrations by force, vandalising shops that sell chocolates, Card and flowers for Valentine's day. Girls were stopped from dancing in the Bars and Anna Hazare activists in his model village stopped all liqicuor trade and Liquor shops.
Why ? Now I ask in what way this is different from the Islamic Code of modesty and morality ? No difference ! It is only a prejudice and a resistence to grace that stops non-muslims from admitting and accepting the wisdom behind the moral code of conduct presented by Islam. What is wrong if women wear modest lose clothes and cover themselves to protect their chastity and honour ? Modesty advocated by Islam has a wisdom and benefits in it and must be impartially and wholeheartedly understood and accepted. It is good for women particularly now when their safety is at stake and crimes against them are on the rise. It is a case of ' Kitnay Paas, Aur Kitnay Door ', enlightened so near yet some of us are blind to it. My Allah bless them with wisdom !" Dr.Naseem Ahmed
Similarly in Pakistan school girls and boys were asked to cover their arms to protect themselves from a bit from dengue mosquito, Khalid Jami (Head of Shuba-e-Tasneef-o-Taleef in Karachi University), argued what if these school going boys and girls would have asked to cover their skin because of religious reasons, then the Civil Society wouldn't spared the chance to ridicule the move under the pretext of religious fundamentalism. The same action is justified if you have a rational (created by human mind) definition, and not justified when the definition is derived from a religious source.
Such actions signifies that the problem doesn't lies in doing or avoiding something, but the underline definition and justification which lies behind an action, in other words the conception of the value and from where that value is derived, namely the ideology. The conflict therefore which is visible at a physical plane is only symbolic to a deeper conflict which lies among the values system of the two ideologies, Islam and Secularism.
Why ? Now I ask in what way this is different from the Islamic Code of modesty and morality ? No difference ! It is only a prejudice and a resistence to grace that stops non-muslims from admitting and accepting the wisdom behind the moral code of conduct presented by Islam. What is wrong if women wear modest lose clothes and cover themselves to protect their chastity and honour ? Modesty advocated by Islam has a wisdom and benefits in it and must be impartially and wholeheartedly understood and accepted. It is good for women particularly now when their safety is at stake and crimes against them are on the rise. It is a case of ' Kitnay Paas, Aur Kitnay Door ', enlightened so near yet some of us are blind to it. My Allah bless them with wisdom !" Dr.Naseem Ahmed
Similarly in Pakistan school girls and boys were asked to cover their arms to protect themselves from a bit from dengue mosquito, Khalid Jami (Head of Shuba-e-Tasneef-o-Taleef in Karachi University), argued what if these school going boys and girls would have asked to cover their skin because of religious reasons, then the Civil Society wouldn't spared the chance to ridicule the move under the pretext of religious fundamentalism. The same action is justified if you have a rational (created by human mind) definition, and not justified when the definition is derived from a religious source.
Such actions signifies that the problem doesn't lies in doing or avoiding something, but the underline definition and justification which lies behind an action, in other words the conception of the value and from where that value is derived, namely the ideology. The conflict therefore which is visible at a physical plane is only symbolic to a deeper conflict which lies among the values system of the two ideologies, Islam and Secularism.
very true