When judiciary sleeps, the mob finds its own way of enforcing justice in the society ... what other means they have really? This has been happening since quite a while and might happen more in the future, if nothing is done to improve to ensure speedy justice, as other wise justice delayed in justice denied, the crowd knows it well, with around 5% of the conviction rate (optimistic estimates) how can you find surety in your heart that the culprits who robbed you, or killed or raped your beloved, get what they deserve? You can't ... what choices you are left with then, (a) get robbed or killed or raped or humiliated etc (b) beat them, burn them, lynch them to death ... ?

What would you do if you are a political party? Why wouldn't you pick up guns to protect your own interest? when you know that's the only way to do so? Why wouldn't you react and create pain for those who have put their feet on your tail? Why wouldn't you protest, put the cities in your control at halt when you know there is no one else to safe guard your interest (irrespective of how unjust they might be) ... you are part of the system ... why would you behave any differently?
Why should the police take action, when they know that the culprits will be freed soon, and would test the sharpness of their knives on the throats of their sons, on cloths of their daughters, sisters and wives ... what would you do when you are in their place? When you, the police, also knows that your life and the life of your loved ones is not safe, because the judiciary let lose the beasts, which you have captured by putting your life at stake. Why would you bother ... ?
Zooming out ... if the trend grows then why honest, sincere people would join the police force? Why any one would want to get killed for doing some good? We are not living in a perfect Islamic Society, when each individual fulfil his responsibility irrespective of the worldly consequences, and aspire to be rewarded in the hereafter? How many people are out there with such a level conviction and belief in Divine and fear of accountability in Hereafter ... in a society where everyone is there to serve his own desires and interests, you can't even find a police force which does its duty with fullest convection ... just like we don't find a judiciary which is there to do it's job as well.
Zooming out ... why then we don't be called as a hypocrite nation when a country founded in the name of Islam, the strongest advocate of implementing justice with an Iron fist; for the poor and the rich, the week and the powerful ... Islamic Republic of Pakistan ... is unable to ensure effective and efficient justice for its hypocrite citizen?
Chicken (judiciary) and egg (hypocrite citizens), which came first ... ?
Zooming out ... we all want our rights irrespective we fulfil our responsibilities or not. We all, namely the nation, when take different roles like judiciary, law enforcement, media, government, political parties, civil societies, business community, etc wants our rights or interests to be fulfilled and shamelessly ignore our responsibilities enshrined on us by our respective roles ... what goes around come around, you reap what you sow ... we all want to ride a ship, but don't want to plug in the holes through which water is seeping in, slowly drowning the ship in shallow waters ... those who are on the top deck feel contended (that's you and me) with the feeling just like an ostrich feels contended when she buries her head in the sand in a desert storm, like a pigeon who feels contended after closing his eyes when the danger is right over his head.
Society is a giant web of interconnected groups, behaviour of any of these groups effects all, even it's own self ... judiciary, law enforcements and public are such groups, which are dependent on each other, each of them effects the other. Judiciary cannot perform if the public doesn't cooperate, and public cannot cooperate if the judiciary doesn't perform, law enforcement cannot operate if the public doesn't cooperate, and the public cannot help if the law enforcement are sleeping, similarly the law enforcement cannot catch criminals if the judiciary let them lose so they can kill the officers who arrested them, and judiciary cannot perform if the law enforcement isn't providing them with sufficient proof against the criminals ... the political parties do the rest by further shaking the already crippling foundations of the trio.
The one common denominator among all is the public, who sometime take the role of judiciary, law enforcement, and political workers, all behaving in a similar way, considering their selfish interest more significant then that of others ...
Is there a quick fix? the quicker you remove a terminal cancer, the bloodiest it is going to be ... and the chances of recovery would remain gloomy, the death might be more probable. So what do we do? ... Educate the next generation perhaps? Develop them to become responsible citizen, sensitive to the needs of others, courageous enough to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others ... but how? Such empathetic behaviour can be inculcated, not through rhetoric, but through inspiration, role modelling, as behaviours are contagious, transferred from example of one person to the observing student. Where shall we get this much quantity of people to change the behaviour of the entire coming generation?
So whats the way out? How this nation will back on the track of establishing a Just society as envision by Quran and Sunnah, the track which it left right after the nation was formed. At the moment I don't know a solution but one thing is clear, if we can take one step forward to sooth the pain of even one individual, then we should, if we can make a small school with only a dozen students, whom we can inspire to become responsible citizens ... then we should ... if we can inculcate fear of Allah and accountability in hereafter in the heart of one individual then we must not wait ... who knows that our single initiative might start a chain reaction, which might change the nation one day? Who knows that our efforts might produce the next Allama Iqbal or Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (discounting him for his mistakes on interpreting Quran and hadith). At least in the end, we might only have one thing to cherish i.e. avoiding the regret of not doing anything when our nation needed the fix the most.
Author is an academic researcher, author, blogger, social entrepreneur, activist, mentor and tweets @javaidomar
What would you do if you are a political party? Why wouldn't you pick up guns to protect your own interest? when you know that's the only way to do so? Why wouldn't you react and create pain for those who have put their feet on your tail? Why wouldn't you protest, put the cities in your control at halt when you know there is no one else to safe guard your interest (irrespective of how unjust they might be) ... you are part of the system ... why would you behave any differently?
Why should the police take action, when they know that the culprits will be freed soon, and would test the sharpness of their knives on the throats of their sons, on cloths of their daughters, sisters and wives ... what would you do when you are in their place? When you, the police, also knows that your life and the life of your loved ones is not safe, because the judiciary let lose the beasts, which you have captured by putting your life at stake. Why would you bother ... ?
Zooming out ... if the trend grows then why honest, sincere people would join the police force? Why any one would want to get killed for doing some good? We are not living in a perfect Islamic Society, when each individual fulfil his responsibility irrespective of the worldly consequences, and aspire to be rewarded in the hereafter? How many people are out there with such a level conviction and belief in Divine and fear of accountability in Hereafter ... in a society where everyone is there to serve his own desires and interests, you can't even find a police force which does its duty with fullest convection ... just like we don't find a judiciary which is there to do it's job as well.
Zooming out ... why then we don't be called as a hypocrite nation when a country founded in the name of Islam, the strongest advocate of implementing justice with an Iron fist; for the poor and the rich, the week and the powerful ... Islamic Republic of Pakistan ... is unable to ensure effective and efficient justice for its hypocrite citizen?
Chicken (judiciary) and egg (hypocrite citizens), which came first ... ?
Zooming out ... we all want our rights irrespective we fulfil our responsibilities or not. We all, namely the nation, when take different roles like judiciary, law enforcement, media, government, political parties, civil societies, business community, etc wants our rights or interests to be fulfilled and shamelessly ignore our responsibilities enshrined on us by our respective roles ... what goes around come around, you reap what you sow ... we all want to ride a ship, but don't want to plug in the holes through which water is seeping in, slowly drowning the ship in shallow waters ... those who are on the top deck feel contended (that's you and me) with the feeling just like an ostrich feels contended when she buries her head in the sand in a desert storm, like a pigeon who feels contended after closing his eyes when the danger is right over his head.
Society is a giant web of interconnected groups, behaviour of any of these groups effects all, even it's own self ... judiciary, law enforcements and public are such groups, which are dependent on each other, each of them effects the other. Judiciary cannot perform if the public doesn't cooperate, and public cannot cooperate if the judiciary doesn't perform, law enforcement cannot operate if the public doesn't cooperate, and the public cannot help if the law enforcement are sleeping, similarly the law enforcement cannot catch criminals if the judiciary let them lose so they can kill the officers who arrested them, and judiciary cannot perform if the law enforcement isn't providing them with sufficient proof against the criminals ... the political parties do the rest by further shaking the already crippling foundations of the trio.
The one common denominator among all is the public, who sometime take the role of judiciary, law enforcement, and political workers, all behaving in a similar way, considering their selfish interest more significant then that of others ...
Is there a quick fix? the quicker you remove a terminal cancer, the bloodiest it is going to be ... and the chances of recovery would remain gloomy, the death might be more probable. So what do we do? ... Educate the next generation perhaps? Develop them to become responsible citizen, sensitive to the needs of others, courageous enough to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others ... but how? Such empathetic behaviour can be inculcated, not through rhetoric, but through inspiration, role modelling, as behaviours are contagious, transferred from example of one person to the observing student. Where shall we get this much quantity of people to change the behaviour of the entire coming generation?
So whats the way out? How this nation will back on the track of establishing a Just society as envision by Quran and Sunnah, the track which it left right after the nation was formed. At the moment I don't know a solution but one thing is clear, if we can take one step forward to sooth the pain of even one individual, then we should, if we can make a small school with only a dozen students, whom we can inspire to become responsible citizens ... then we should ... if we can inculcate fear of Allah and accountability in hereafter in the heart of one individual then we must not wait ... who knows that our single initiative might start a chain reaction, which might change the nation one day? Who knows that our efforts might produce the next Allama Iqbal or Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (discounting him for his mistakes on interpreting Quran and hadith). At least in the end, we might only have one thing to cherish i.e. avoiding the regret of not doing anything when our nation needed the fix the most.
Author is an academic researcher, author, blogger, social entrepreneur, activist, mentor and tweets @javaidomar
we will see the same picture day after day till we got the real leadership, NOT THE DEMOCRACY.
ReplyDeleteWe really needs a leadership, from Islamic Block or might from PAK ARMY,
In fact PAKISTAN needs a system, in which President much be from PAK ARMY.
Muzaffar Khan / Karachi.