Monday, December 28, 2009

Video: "The Real Terrorist was me", US Soldier


  1. yes-you confess your butchry/killings of innocent-but in islamic war laws .killings of children .women.cutting of trees.killings of pets are prohibited even running after escaping soldiers-the must be in a battle field - believe me or not VICTORY is for THE ALMIGHTY N His Brave] soldiers not for Hopponents.....

  2. Confess! no it is just the beginning of understanding the truth. It is very hard to accept the truth, especially when some one is big and powerful enough to control the world.

    Remember, Allah is most forgiving and merciful. You face the truth and get the mercy of Allah swt. We all have to kill the beginning of a terrorist roots not the mass where we make them more. No one on this earth likes to end his/her life with out a reason (except in some cases those are mad), don't give them a reason.
    Naved Ansari

  3. 9/1 was inside job.the steel fortified towers could not have been brought collapsing on themselves by aluminium jet planes.Insurance monety was claimed for the disaster after a controlled demolition was done on the towers and Muslims framed for it to justify the invasion of Iraq /Afghanistan ,possibly now Iran.The zionist financiers in USA/UK benefitted in all ways from it.Yet USa public still vote the same AIPAC stooges in the Government ,Senate and Congress.Their country is driven banrupt,while trillions of dollars are sent to prop the nonsemitic Kazaari government in'Israel'.and any one who opposes it is labelled Antisemitic!Yet the same kazaari commiting ethnic cleansing of Semitic Palestinian,Syruians and Lebanese.Quite a few palestinians were jews who converted to islam.The Arabs are semitic children of Ismael,son of Abraham.The Kazaaris are colonialist from Europe,genetically different,empwered to colonise Palestine by The Balfour Declaration on a defeated Islamic Umma

  4. The kazaaru rulers of Israel should be tried in Euopean/USa courts for antisemitism.Please read Prof.Shlomo Sands of Modern History,Univ of tel aviv's book'The Invention of the Jewish people'.
    They are committing ethnic cleansing of Semitic Palestinians,Lebanese,Syrians.

  5. While the Muslim umma is divided against itself.Egypt blocking the Escape route of Gazans,Saudia platying ball with Zionist controlled USA.Muslims Sunni and Shia Unite against this evil affecting our Umma

  6. So they have not read Sura RUUM Ayat 30...The nature in which Allah has made mankind is 'Fitratallah' and this is Islam. Hadith says every human is born with this nature. Therefore, Islam Prohibits killing of innocent people. Perhaps they know not. It is time for them to raise voice against the brutality and decline the order of killing the innocent terrorists (?)


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