Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Tragedy of Bolton Market Karachi

An analysis by Dr. Imtiaz Hussain

The recent tragedy of Karachi on December 28, 2009, is confirmation of the Mr. Gordon Duff's views.

The attack on procession of mourners in was different in all aspect from the previous attacks on various targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Suicide attack on markets in Peshawar and Lahore differed from that one in Bolton Market as, those were not followed by burning the buildings and looting of the shops. Why it happened here in Bolton Market incident at Karachi?

The area was totally sealed off by the security personal 2 days prior to the procession day. A mourner who was to carry the flag in the procession as he told on Bolta Pakistan yesterday, was not allowed by the security personals to enter the procession area despite he told his responsibility to them and showed his identification, but yet the person who presumably blew off himself and other 25 to 30 miscreants were allowed to reach the procession?
A shop keeper also told in Bolta pakistan that their market was taken from them 2 days before by the rangers so they can take control of the security of the entire area and in their presence 2 days prior to procession how is that possible that rioters could came in with chemicals and other weapons to create another blast from the initial so called suicide attack?
The same shop keeper told in Bolta Pakistan that he was begging once the incident has taken place and the looters were busy looting the shops, to the rangers to open fire on the looters but they refused on the plea that they have not yet received orders to do so .
and as the area was sealed off by containers the firefighters could not reach to the site of fire in time and hence the entire Bolton Market burnt to ashes.
In summary ...
The area was sealed off, the buildings were taken from the owners of the buildings and shops on the plea of security, the security agencies were deployed all around top and down 2 days prior to procession. Yet 25 to 30 miscreants with chemicals and other necessary items to cause damage were let in and the suicide bomber with his jacket also could sneak in.


Bolton market is skyline of Karachi. During and after the days of Musharraf The Americans and in particular Holbrook was a frequent visitor to Karachi Mayor office and Karachi's Mayor was applauded on many a times by him and even Hilary Clinton on one occasion. I have news that the market owners and committees were approached by unknown persons offering them very heavy prices for the entire Bolton Market and area around it. But the owners in total agreement rejected any idea of selling the market and area around to any one. United States establishment has got plans for Karachi, and if we look at the other harbor cities of Asia, Karachi is the worst skyline Iit does not have sky scrapers making it look awesome from an approaching ship, as in case of Hong Kong, Dubai... and Americans where ever go develop high rise buildings, casinos and prostitution in the name of development and freedom of expression. Casinos and night clubs are already working unrestricted in Karachi, the sex workers have a union representing there and having high rises was the third requisite to make it perfect for American marines to feel at home when they will be roaming around for fun after fighting heavy battle with Al-Qaida which their government have created to justify the heavy expense concurred upon them from the American public money and in order to keep the assembly lines of the weaponry industry of USA rolling.
Bolton Market was a hindrance on the future plans of USA regarding Karachi.
And as the owners of the area were not cooperating, it was burnt. and it was burnt taking the shield of ongoing suicide attacks in Pakistan .
One Question of many is why this explosion took place around Bolton Market, it could have taken place during the route of long procession?
The miscreants made a mistake; they started looting the market after it was set on fire. This was not part of the plan and it led to lifting of curtain off the one another heinous crime of so many USA establishments has committed in recent history. If the looting would not have begun and fire was lighted through another explosion and spreading chemical only, no one would have really known so quickly what they all know now.
Obviously The Americans could not have done it alone. They must have involved Pakistanis to be their accomplices. Sadly the rangers and police are not in very good position here to defend themselves. The miscreants ciuld be easily available mercenaries or even black water agents under cover, but , possibility of MQM cannot be ruled out as the entire incisequence of events matches their so vastly adopted mode of action as adopted previously such as burning of lawyers alive. The statement of Farooq Sattar is meaningful: 28/12/2009 was Karachi’s 9/11. He may have said it in terms of financial loss, but he is not a kid who will say such a thing without reason. The only question here arises is that USA invaded Afghanistan on knowing that Al Qaeeda is behind 9/11: what course of action he, his party and allies will adopt if it is proved that America is behind 28/12?
No responsible authority however has to worry. The president of Pakistan is with them, who is defending every criminal and incompetence in this country very effectively. The recent speech of Zardari totally reflects the gesture " do what ever you want to I will do as I wish" and he can say that while USA standing on his back and this backing must be seen as well in the back drop of BB’s assassination and respectful exodus from the country of Pervaiz Musharraf. He defends himself while innocent Pakistanis get killed every now and than !
Now soon very exuberantly high prices will be offered for the vacant ground and its the duty of the media to keep an eye that who us purchasing this land. I feel that a petition should be moved in the supreme court for not allowing any purchase of land in the distressed area without verification and consultation by the high court of Pakistan.
The government of Sindh must immediately start a monthly compensation for all the affected families till the time the exact loss is calculated. and the actual loos not beyond that is compensated. Every affectee must understand that superflous compensation must not be accepted. it will be like selling Pakistan off to USA!
But will this happen ?
Its now up to SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN and THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN to revert the present slipping away of Pakistan from their hands. The time is now or it will be too late


  1. a very insightful explanation...thanks

  2. Makes sense. The busiesr future oil transportation route is to be protected by US and that is the plan!

  3. Actualy people like you are very depress from America, you even don't bother to look at your own neck. you are like a prosecuter of Modudi who traduces the Islam by using the path of Militnacy.

  4. The USa ruled by Internation Zionism does not have interst of Muslims and regards them as targets for Bush's avowed crusade.The Muslims should stand together and face this challenge.Palestine,Pakistan ,Lebanon,Syria are made to pay the price.
    Muslims'Hold on to the rope together do not be split.'The attacks bu Taliban on Shias in mazare sharrif treating their women as concubines is a sad reminder of what Muslims have degenerated into.Egypt closing the border helping Zionist Israel commit ethnic cleansing of their Muslim brothers in Gaza is a crime which will be answered when The Mahdi arrives.The Pakistani police allowing mayhem on Shias is sickening!


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