Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Some Meta-Rational Beliefs of a Modern Secular Man

Some beliefs of a modern secular & liberal man, which cannot be proven empirically, like religious beliefs in God, Judgement Day, Angles, revelation etc. here they are:

1. Humans are the most sacred being in the universe, they are sovereign and not answerable to any one. (Who is a mature Human, see point 9)

2. Something doesn't exist or is irrelevant if it cannot be observed, experienced or measured. (God, judgement day, etc.)

3. Every effect has a physical cause which can be observed... future is by chance, probabilistic, and not pre-determined, no such thing as fate. Man is the creator of his own destiny, but man is created by the phenomenon of mechanical causality himself, and will become the cause of something else. 

4. Change is the only constant, everything is changing continuously into something better (see point 8) then before, change is good, resisting change or hindering the process of "Evolution" is bad.  

5. To work in one's own self-interest is rational & reasonable, and focusing on one's own self-interest will ensure well being of other's as well (Smithian Invisible hand theory)

6. Freedom is most sacred & valuable, however human's are not free to reject freedom

8. More freedom to pursue self-interest is better then less, this is how change (point 4) will be appraised

9. One's rationality (self-interestedness) should surpass religion, tradition, culture, family bonds, etc. This is maturity. Following religion or tradition is a sign of immaturity. 

10. Death is not end of life but end of the world

11. There can be multiple conceptions of good or bad (haraam or halal), irrespective of their apparent contradiction, as long as they do not limit one's freedom and go against rationality (point 9).

12. The fittest ones survives, however if any two random individuals if qualify to the criterion of being human (being a self-determined, autonomous, rational or self-interested, competitive, freedom loving being) then they must be treated equally by the society. 

13. Bring rich is good, being poor is bad. Rich are more free then the poor. 

14. The purpose of live is to be more and more free, hence one must continuously pursue to maximize his earnings to enhance his freedom. Its the destiny of human's to be perfectly free from any traditional, religious, cultural, family, genetic and physical constrains

15. The only reliable source of knowledge is human reason and observations to answer all important questions in life, including that of morality and ethics. 

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