Saturday, September 14, 2013

There is Blood on your Mobile Phone!

This documentary exposes how the cell phone companies of the world notably nokia, iphone, samsung, motorola etc, are all responsible for financing genocide, mass rape, torture, by militia armies in congo who control the extraction of a precious mineral called 'Coltan'. This is being done to get this mineral cheap, as otherwise the cost would go high if the workers in the mines starts to get decent salaries and their fundamental rights etc. Its unimaginable how easily these giant corporations prefer to look the other way and say that its none of our business, if we are getting what we want at a good price, its a bliss!, and the blood being flowed back there in Congo isn't just our problem really. Peter Bradshaw writes in The Guardian:
"The mine turns out to be a chaotic shanty-town on a mountain honeycombed with unsafe tunnels, and policed by warring factions of scary, trigger-happy bullies. The mining and gangsterism have grown up together, dysfunctionally hand in hand. The raw material is shipped out to Malaysia and elsewhere, smelted into tantalum and it is at this point that the big corporations buy it, firmly incurious as to its origin. Nokia is deeply uncomfortable about this subject. Did the saintly Steve Jobs have anything to say? We talk about conflict diamonds; maybe now is the time to talk about conflict mobile phones."
And we need to stop being mindless and blind consumers, rather must give it a second thought when we buy a device and use our power to vote (through purchasing power) in favor of those organizations which doesn't support such madness. And if such organizations doesn't exists as yet then we may rather purchase such products only when unavoidable. This is the ultimate form of crony capitalism, which if not be dealt with today, might create a world utterly inhabitable for future generations. 

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