What people don't realize is that the real drivers of the change in a mature democratic country (and we are not yet there) are not public representative elected through voting, but various stakeholders like Local and Multinational Corporations, Globally Connected Financial and Monetary System, Civil Society (which by definition is secular and liberal), Military Industry, Intelligence Agencies, Free (Sponsored) Media, NGOs (local and Foreign), Bureaucracy etc... All of them influence and derives the system indirectly, while the politicians remains in the front and indirectly serve the agenda of these stakeholders. This is the complete view of the system... changing of politicians through elections, is more like changing of salesmen as per the wishes of the customers, but the salesman would sell the same products manufactured by respective stakeholders, not exactly to serve the customer's need but for their own benefit... If this is correct, then election is just a change of faces, nothing else!
In Pakistan its primarily Feudal Filthy Politicians, Corrupt Bureaucracy, Free (read puppet) Judiciary, Free (read slave) Media, Army, Local Agencies, International Agencies, IMF etc, who determines what's coming next in this country, the public is never suppose to be part of anything, democracy/elections are just a facade, deception to make people believe that whatever is happening is happening according to the majority's will... in Pakistan the problem isn't the rigging, but the way it was done so poorly that everyone came to realize that it was happening... ideally its suppose to be done in very crafty manner so that the public never finds out about it. Wake Up, first we need to realize the nature and intensity of the problem, then think of the appropriate solution for that.
Read the following article by a very senior and renowned journalist of Pakistan to understand the game plan for the next five years.
ya allah hum sub ko hidayat dy..!! or khilafat ka nizaam raij ho ameen...