Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Ideology Behind Burning of Quran

By S M Waqas Imam

The secular capitalistic ideology claims to ensure freedoms, although the domain of these freedoms is not very well defined, but when it comes to abasing Islam, constantly the act of degrading Islam is defended by the idea of ‘freedom of expression’. No matter it is in making of the controversial images of the Prophet peace be upon Him or the burning of Qur'an, the ideology takers always use this idea of ‘freedom of expression’ to guard the attack on islam.

The recent burning of the copies of Holy Qur'an in Afghanistan is an offshoot of this idea. The contradiction within this idea is well understood by the fact that whenever Islam is offered as an alternative way of life or the rationality of the idea of ‘freedom of expression’ is challenged then the idea keepers are up to use any act of suppression to limit the expression. Also the idea keepers claim to assure peaceful co-existence of religions, but how can it be possible when on the other hand they are defending freedom to insult, blasphemy and emotional attack on a specific religion.

As per the secular claim of being civilized and revived, the question is how can a society be exemplified as civilized where persons are free to dishonor, humiliate and amuse each other. Moreover on the act of blasphemy, the thinkers and intellectuals of secular ideology is up for backing it on the name of ‘freedom of expression’, secular in the Muslim world as well are no different where their stance is focused on ‘the reaction of Muslims’ and not on the fallacy of their idea.

Islamic ideology had always respected other beliefs and had ensured peaceful co-existence of nations. Islam binds its followers not to amuse other beliefs. When the secular world was hunting Jews it was the Ottoman Caliphate, which rescued them from complete eradication. In order to assure peaceful co-existence of humans, and to cope up with the blunders of secular ideas the re-establishment of Islamic State is on its way.

S M Waqas Imam is an engineer by profession and a freelance commentator. His opinions, letters and analyses has been published in various national news papers, blogs & magazines of Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, Bangladesh, & India.

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