Sunday, May 29, 2011

Top Regrets of Educated Pakistanis ... ?

In an internet survey conducted by Critic Magazine, 157 people responded to a set of questions about their top regrets. Around 60% of the respondents were below 30 years of age, and around 50% were 24 and below. 95% of the respondents had education till graduation level or above. Around 40% had done Masters in their fields.

Following is the pie chart which shows the regrets of the respondents. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Interestingly hardly any one in this survey has said that they regret not being able to do much for the society ... this could mean two things (a) They are already doing a lot for the society (b) They are not bothered about it ... looking at the present state of educated lot in Pakistan and the level of crisis we see all around, it seems like point-b is true for them. Is it true for you as well?
If you haven't participated in this survey then you still can by visiting the link:
Please do so to make the survey more reliable.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum wrwb

    I was among those who already been through this survey .. Brother pity on us that we dont understand a simple basic rule ... But now I am atleast hopeful that our youth is going great insha Allah ... Atleast being a Muslim Pakistani the most educated lot think about DEEN alhamdulillah ...

    At least they feel regret for something which is the most important or I must say THE ONLY IMPORTANT Thing to contribute for the society and above all this UMMAH insha Allah ..

    May Allah guide us and make us firm on our DEEN so that we can contribute to create a society atleast somewhat similar to the PERFECT society presented by our Deen... Aamin Suma Aamin

    Insha Allah when we understand our DEEN and be inclined towards it then nobody has to tell us that what to do and what not to do..

    May Allah save this country & give all of us Hidayah to make this country a beautiful practical example of ISLAM... aamin..

    P.S. Nobody knows may be the one who regrets for lack of religious inclination ..get inclined towards Deen e.g. being a female Mother contributes Her Islam Awared children to the society ..she does not have to appear in fashion magazines to contribute (general thinking of the public unfortunately) and we cannot even calculate her contribution..


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