Friday, January 8, 2010

Conspiracy to Delude the Minds of Pakistani Childrens

We know people who can spend millions, if not billions, to erect Madrassahs or Masjids, however if you ask for their support to establish an independent TV channel, then they might not even spare a rupees. “It’s not a religious activity, isn’t it … would it bring bounties in Akhirah?” It is questioned due to a common perception that mass media is a means to spread vulgarity and negativity etc; public clings to this perception despite realizing that media is indeed the most effective and efficient tool to manage and form perceptions or opinions. Ironically, concordantly, millions believes blindly that the ‘picture (read distortion) of reality’ shown by media is indeed ‘Reality’ and what it ignores either doesn’t exist or is irrelevant. This fact is saddening with far reaching consequences."
Taken from "The Breaking News"
an article by Shahnawaz Farooqi, 
translated by Omar Javaid

It is ironic that we as Muslims don't realize the importance and influence of media in shaping and forming opinions. Over and above, we don't even realize that secular forces are continuously and very systematically using the very media to inculcate our minds, even of our children, with a kind of mentality which can only benefit their (westerns) imperialistic designs. Importance of this mentality was exclaimed by Lord Macaulay in 1835 in Calcutta, India, and since then we, the people of subcontinent, are being continuously bombarded with psychological warfare via education system, print and electronic media. The following articles, written by Z R Jaffri and Shahnawaz Farooqi (in Friday Special 8th Jan Issue), critically analyze a similar initiative taken by USAID in detail. 
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