Saturday, January 16, 2010

Caught Red Handed: An Attempt to Tamper the Survey - "Who is Responsible for the Bolton Market Tragedy?"

An Analysis By The Critic Team:
Just after the Ashura Blast and Bolton Market tragedy, The Critic Magazine Team launched a survey to understand the public perception about the incident. During the first three days after the survey we got around 100 responses, till then the public perception was as follows:
Q: Who is responsible for Bolton market tragedy?

Q: Who benefited most from this incident?

Two more days passed and the number of respondents reached 173; generally the response mix hardly change with the number of respondents once this number cross the hundred mark, in other words, percentage of respondents opting for a particular answer changes negligibly, only and only if the responses are genuine or real. However we got a shocker, check the following to see how the response mix changed:
Q: Who is responsible for Bolton market tragedy? ('Others' responses have been merged where necessary, in this graph)

Q: Who benefited most from this incident?
Surprised we were, and out of curiosity when we checked the responses at Google docs spreadsheet, we caught a genuine effort to tamper the results or the response mix. The initial hundred responses were quite randomly distributed in the spreadsheet, however this randomness of clearly absent from response number 100 ~ 173. Check the following
Before Tampering (The first hundred of responses)
(Click on the images to enlarge)

After Tampering (Responses between 100 and 173)

After 173th response, the randomness is resumed.

The total number of responses including the tampered ones were 375 when this analysis was being prepared, right now it is more then 400 and can be viewed at the following link.
If we include the tampered responses then the response mix of total of 375 respondents is as follows:
Q: Who is responsible for Bolton market tragedy?

Q: Who benefited most from this incident?

If we remove the tampered responses from the survey then the total number of respondents is bit more then 300, and if the tampered responses are removed then the result is as follows:
Q: Who is responsible for Bolton market tragedy?

Q: Who benefited most from this incident?

Further more if we look at other questions like “How was the response of city government when the fire broke out?” we see a interesting difference in results when we exclude the tampered responses:
With Tampered Responses

Without Tampered Responses

Those who tampered the results, seems to have an opinion in favor of city government, however it is all the more interesting to see the results of the next question “How would you rate the measures taken by the government to help the victims (businessmen/shopkeepers)?”
With Tampered Responses

Without Tampered Responses

Although the number 375 is not a significant number, so as to be taken with utmost seriousness, however another interesting finding is the difference between the responses of the following two questions:
Q: Who is responsible for Bolton market tragedy?

Q: Who benefited most from this incident?

City government is the 1st runner up after foreign agencies, and Blackwater/Xe has got the third position in the blame list, however only a fraction (3%) of the respondents agrees that city government has to benefit from this incident! What does this tells us about the thinking of these respondents? Are they alleging, at the back of their minds, that city government is being backed by foreign elements? … In my opinion it’s more appropriate not conclude anything due to the quantum of responses, however if the respondents would have been more then 1000, then surely it would be wise to conclude likewise.
However one thing is quite clear, that there are some elements in the entire conspiracy, who intends to shift the blame of this entire crisis to those who are not responsible, and for that matter they don’t even avoid using unethical or uncivilized means.
Furthermore according to investigative journalist Muhammad Tahir (on Dunya TV), the blasts on 8th and 9th Moharram which caused minor damage as compare to the one on 10th Moharram, were also followed by an uprising with chanting slogans against Talibans, furthermore the very next day i.e. on 11th Moharram, banners showed in the following image also appeared all over the city.

This was despite any authentic acceptance from Tehreeq-e-Talibans Pakistan.
We would like to make it very clear that here we don’t intend to take anyone’s sides, or point finger at any party or a group either. However we believe that the real culprits of who caused the incident must be correctly identified and any attempt to divert the attention to other groups must also be recognized, highlighted and criticized as a criminal offence. It is the responsibility of the civil societies as well to realize and highlight the importance of correctly identifying the root cause of any incident so that appropriate counter measures are taken and the repetition of the same is avoided in future. Furthermore all unethical, uncivilized and immature attempts to divert the attention to those not responsible must also discouraged and declared as a criminal offence against the interest of the of the general public.


  1. Hmmmm.. this is called the relization of importance of public opinion. Forces are out there who are vigilantly keeping an eye on whats going on in favor and against them.

    Good Job, Omar.

  2. the present failed PPP's Govt and local authorities are totally responsible for such a
    criminal desaster, on the top of it, the damned opportunist secterians profitfrom the situation with their jehalati banners under the eyes of
    of local hakims who seems to have lost their eyesight occasionally !! obvious responsibles
    are PPP, MQM, ANP and their US in-laws.

  3. I think the best way of receiving responses was by the email method, the one you used to employ earlier. That kind of removed all doubts about the responses. Or one could ask for an email with every response to ensure nonduplicity.

    The absence of randomness and then it revisiting may or may not be tampering. Anyways good effort.


  4. We Muslims are duty bound to be examplary and model to the whole world,as declared in Quran.ARE WE? How can a sane society that too UMMA of the LAST NABI (KHATIM UN NABI )and Last Guiadance (QURAN)can afford to waste its time in Traditions,Riwayat,so called religious and traditional customs only invented and inspired by CLERGY for its own survival.Faith is personal and not to be DISPLAYED on streets,public places,houses,by terbons ,Jubas of various colours.I am sorry to say Quran is very clear on the subject any body who considers himself other than HUMAN and MUSLIM(not SUNNI<SHIA,AHMADI...etc)cannot qualify to be a follower of Quran or a MUSLIM.Muslim is not by recitation or declaration but purely Actions,Deeds,Conduct,Character.Discrimination,Exploitation,Corruption,...etc are KUFAR.A message can only be last when it qualify the well being of HUMANITY and not of muslim,sunni,shia..Lets demonstrate to the world that Quran and Islam is for Humanity and not a group who calls himself muslims without the ability to do it.Every one who is willing and poised to follow Quran is a Muslim and not by Birth or Faith or Conversion.


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