Friday, June 26, 2009


40% of the population is eligible, among those 60% participates, among those 35% votes goes to winner, 30% to the runnerup and 25% to the 3rd candidate .... this makes 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.35 = 0.084 x 100 = 8.4% of the population deciding for the rest because they were either fooled by the demogogy or threathened by the winner ... Just a thought ... Any comments?


  1. If democracy has to work, it must be imposed by the people on the politicians.

  2. Bakron ko ginah kartay hein,
    tolah nehin kartay !!

  3. lol..bakrah's comment is hilarious!

  4. this system, that we called democracy are totally failed and collapse. specially our types of countries that have several cultures and communities. this system made just for divide the peoples by culture, by language, by sectarian or by nationalism basis. the Pak nation has faced different experiments last 60 years in the name of Democracy or Dictaitorship. but common and poor man going back to backward.

    the major fault of this system such as, un justification, weakness of law enforcement agencies, unstable economy system, corruption, uneducated peoples need for political parties.

    i think we need the new system in the basis of Sharia 0 Sunna. just make the supreme council 25/50 genius and honest/patriotic peoples (elite, educated, experts, business mans, defense, scholars, intellactuals). they have authority to make cabinet/govt. and they will decide whose the capable for which post. as Quote "2 danishwar larien gey bhi tu unki baat ma daanish hi hogi"

    not our stupid/liar/cheater/corrupt/10% politicians, fight like a dog just for bone (Chair).

    I u'stand the new system need a lot of work/analyse sincerity, difficulties. any how we trust on Allah they will help us coz no man made system better then GOD's given system.

  5. Democracy is a scam. US never had it. It was always the establishment that selected the candidates, got guarantees from them and then selected them for Presidency. Otherwise, do u think Bush could go beyound a peon in our office? Anybody showing a bit of independance, is dealt with like Abe Lincoln, JFK, Nixon or Clinton. UK doesn't have democracy either. Election frauds, going against the will of the people is common. In Pakistan, the world Jhurloo came into being with the very first elections. In any case, as u have pointed out, elections doesn't mean democracy. Start studying from the Athens model and u shall find its a mugs game.
    Had it been any good, it would have been mentioned in the Quran. Our holy book leaves the method of election of people wide open and encourages u to experiment to find out what suits u. It just tells u that good govts parley between themselves before taking any decision.


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