Monday, March 30, 2009

23rd March Parade, went Missing, so what !

The Parade on 23rd march was cancelled by the prime minister out of austerity. The cancellation was announced a couple of week back. Then 23rd march came and went without the grand event which was considered the hallmark of this day. It was astonishing to see the legacy getting broken and the reason that was cited, but most startling was the inaction, it didn't bothered anybody, never sparked any uproar, never ignited any heated debate, there wasn't any criticism, it almost went unnoticed.
The parade of 23rd march use to be morale booster, a blatant exhibit of Pakistan’s military strength, cultural diversity, and national integrity; for the masses it was an annual dose of self esteem and a sense of identity. This dose went missing this time, and didn’t bother anybody. It is unlikely that masses are stuffed or overdosed with self respect, confidence and esteem, rather the contrary seems more true, they are starved, their energies evaporated by continuous bombardment of negativity (there is hardly a good news in media), they are exhausted, disappointed, frustrated, contempt on present state of affair, politics, judiciary (though just been revitalized ... ?), role of military in northern areas, extremism, and most importantly the threat of unemployment for employed, torture of unemployment for unemployed, and all of this multiplied by crippling inflation.
From another perspective the earth shattering long march for the restoration of judiciary, seem to contradict my views expressed above. I think otherwise. This long march was probably the last outburst of the residue of energy. So narrow in focus, so fantasized with the slogans of justice, so desperate in approach, so much like the last outcry of a man before drowning. And so much in contradiction to the perception of the common man who has been bitten viciously by the corruption of judiciary in Pakistan. In a survey of 4000 respondents conducted in 2006 by judiciary was ranked 3rd most corrupt institution, more than 70% declared judiciary as corrupt. According to some senior judges, the number of pending cases are more than 1.5 million, according to others it could be double.
What a treat would it be for the vultures eyeing on the natural resources of Pakistan, The nuclear assets, the gold and copper mines, the oil and gas fields, the coal reserves, the diamonds underneath, various other minerals and finally to my horror, the starving women willing to sell their bodies to keep themselves and their children alive ... (checkout how Thailand's prostitution industry developed). But vultures approaches when they are sure the prey is dead! Not when there is still a spark of life remaining. The vultures are flying over, waiting, hence a spark of life (hope) remains.
Human civilization die off only when wrath of the Creator is unleashed after their condition become hopeless; if bestowed with mercy by the Creator, they bounce back. Looking at the present state, it seems like we are standing at crossroads, the grand finale is nearing, either we are at the verge of bouncing back, or at the threshold of a major catastrophe.
The silence over 23rd missing hallmark is deafening, but I hope I am wrong on my hopelessness. The man might be drowning, but there could still be some breaths left, there could be a way out, judicial reform might not bring justice to a common man still (for example), if so there could be another uproar or standing against the judiciary (or any other excruciating issue), if so then the propensity of bouncing back will increase, if not, vultures will close on and do what they do best

by Omar Javaid
Sr. Editor, Critic Magazine


  1. @ this was perhaps just to give way to

    killings in the mosque and yesterday's

    Lahore attack by Indo/Israeli/Taseeri

    hands !!

    Shameful silence and a slap on
    Pakistani integrity,

    The Indians atleast were happy !!

  2. @ Go Go Go Go PPP

    Go to hell with your PIPI

    Beghairat PPP

  3. Why do we have to blame everything on India/Israel... yes they create half our problems in life... but blaming them is not the solution... Terror is our problem now. Lets try and find a solution rather than blaming ppl who dont care about us.

  4. to answer anony march 30, @ 9:39 am
    @ No, Sir, terror was never our problem,
    India/Israel were and are number one
    protagonists of terrorism in the region,
    What are those 21 Indian consulates doing
    in Afghanistan, ?
    ploughing agrar fields ?
    and those Israeli experts helping them
    to grow roses ?
    The only faultive step taken by Pakistan
    was in 1994 when PPP's Govt of Benazir,
    upon the suggestions and exigences of
    Fazlur Rehman JUI.F (Founder of Talibans)
    and President Bill Clinton of USA AGREED
    AFGHNISTAN. These are the historic facts
    can be traced out in any newspaper, these
    were the conditions on which FazlurRehman
    got Governorship of Baluchistan and voted
    for PPP'sGovt of Benazir,Sir !!!

    If the terrorism is been forced upon us,
    we must refuse it, as it is certainly an
    Indo/Israeli/USA terrorist tactics, Pak
    Army and ISI should take the matter in
    their hands, as they are the ultimate
    guarantors of the security of Pakistan,
    We must not trust our politicians, nearly
    all of them have Indian agenda !!!


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